Tuesday, 24 November 2009

A Beard too far!

Ok so I heart beards, as we all know. Obviously this is no secrete, hence the blog site. However sometimes men can take it, 'A Beard Too Far'. Now this is not to say I don't want all you lovely beard wearing men to get rid of the facial hair, but you have to give it all the love and attention that you would give the hair on your head.

So when has it gone too far. When we beard loving ladies go from, 'ooohhh he's lovely' to 'yuck what is that on his face!'.When you get this latter reaction you know the beard needs some TLC. If your not pulling in the ladies with your facial hair charm chances are you are doing something wrong with it an you have gone more father christmas/homeless man than hottie with the beard.

The power of the beard should be able to help women gravitate towards you rather than push them away. The power of the beard can put a man who on a scale of 1-10 might normally sit at a 4 but grow a beard and trim it right he might push himself up to a 8/9 it can be done!!!

When I was around 12 I met a boy a nice boy. However at 12 I was in no way interested in boy's. They were just the horrible creatures at school who picked on my curly locks and taunted me. I wanted little if nothing to do with them. However this boy I would see from time to time as I got older and older. He seemed like he was interested in me and personality wise we got along swimmingly but for me visually it just did not work and I never saw him as being more than 'just a friend'. However around the age of 23/24 he grew a beard. The first time I saw him with a beard I was thinking to myself, 'where have you been all my life.' Where indeed. He had been right under my nose for the last 11 years and all because of a beard I know found myself drawn to him. The beard had made the boy a man in my eyes. Sadly I was too late for this beard and he went to a much better home, yet this does show that I beard worn right will work in a man's favour.

Example one look at Brad Pitt's beard/goat/disaster. I never thought anything could make such a fine looking man look unattractive. He has managed to knock him self down the 1-10 scale instead of pushing him up it!!!!

So this is just a word of warning to all you who think you can just jump on the bearded band wagon. Thought, love, care and attention has to go in to the creation of a beard. You have to nurture it and treat it like you would anything else that your proud of. If you do you will reap the rewards. If you don't you'll just end up wondering were it all went wrong. So 'Beard Prepared' that's my advice to you.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

A beard, Sperates the boys from the men.

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Ok so I have been a little bit side tracked and not able to write a beard post but that does not mean that the beard was not at the fore front of my mind because it has been very much so.

So I am going to share with you my first beard/tash experience. These are the moments in my life when I first new that I Alexis Louise Giboin loved Facial hair.

As a child I used to go to my gradparents on a Friday night to stay over. This consisted of my sister and I watching a musical that my gangan, aka grandad, had taped. As we started this weekly ritual many a strange crush for a girl of the 80's developed. Amongst my earliest was Frank Sinatra in 'On The Town' and a man, who due to my Dallas obsession, I still have the hots for these days is one Mr Howard Keel.

So upon watching Seven Brides For Seven Brothers I fell for the charms, or should I say manly charms, of Howard keels character. When you first see him he is sporting a rather full beard. Whether with just a tash or a full beard his facial hair makes me feel like I am looking at a real man, a man that could protect and look after you.

As a child I remember thinking that is what a real man looks like. Later on in the film he shaves and is left with a rather 'spiffing' tash. This equally qualified him in my mind to be the strong man figure he up held in the film. It was not until my obsession with Dallas that I remembered my love of Howard Keel and how I regarded him to be what a real man should look like.

This theory is further supported by my love for 'Aragon' in The Lord Of The Rings.

Once again one is lead to believe that this is a man that can do anything, a man that you can put your trust in, a man that will deliver. You gain this belief and trust in him because of his facial hair. As only a real man could look and act as he does. Whether you choose to accept this or not it is a fact. Do you think that if Orlando Blooms character , 'Legolas' looks wise was Aragon that the audience would believe that this clean shaven 'girlie' boy could deliver and save man!!?? I think not. It is easy to believe that Aragon can achieve all this as one believes that it is dealing with a man.

So as you can see a beard separates, 'The Men From The Boys'.

And for all of you who have not listened to the beard song please, please do.....if this does not sway you to the love of beards I fear all is lost for you..
