Ok so went to the cinema this week to see a film and as I was climbing the stairs to see my chosen film I stopped dead in my tracks. I could not take my eyes of the handsome bearded man who captured my whole attention. Granted he was a cardboard cut out but captivating nonetheless! I was so distracted by him I failed to notice how obvious I was being and it was not until I heard laughter and my friend in the distance asking me what I was doing that I came out of my trance. The theatre manager was laughing at me but I did not care this bearded beauty was without a doubt drop dead beardtastic!!!!
So this later led me to think that perhaps I should start a beard of the month slot where I could recommend bearded beauty's to other beard lovers so they to can appreciate these beautiful bearded men on parade!!!!!!
So the bearded beauty who captivated my attention on this particular occasion was one other than Jake Gyllenhall in his new film role, 'Prince of Persia' Lets just say beard mania has reached hollywood and when hollywood get there hands on something they do it right and boy have they done it right!
I defy any one who says that this man has not reached manliness and hotness with this new beard. I am not disputing that he was not a good looking man before but now he commands my attention.
So to hollywood I say, 'I solute you.'
To beard readers send me any potential 'Beard of the Month' candidates you might have to see if they can make it on to the Bearded wall of fame!
ooooohhhhhhhh Mr Gyllenhaal your a beard lovers dream and don't go changing a thing!
'we love you just the way you are'