It might be cold outside and we may even be getting a little fed up of the snow but there is one thing to be thankful for and that is that this cold weather is prolonging the life of la beard!!! So three cheers for the snow.
Now I know that it is cold and horrible and causes as to deliberate even leaving the house as the thought of baring that coldness is oh too much, however if you do, you beard lovers, you'll be able to catch a glimps of those winter beards that are here thanks to la snow!
Thanks to the snow these snow days have become days I can look forward to and bare the short jorney to work, for I know that along my way I will pass a few bearded men also braving the winter weather. Their beards may only be there for practical reasons these days, to save their baby faces from the cold weather, but they are there nonetheless. So no point in letting those beards go to waste and unspotted.
So I beg of you brave the cold, go out in in for your bound to come across if not one perhaps two or three lovely beards on display just waiting there for us beard loving guys and gals to see, 'lions, tigers and beards oh my!.'
So dont think about the snow and the cold instead put your thoughts to happier things think of all the mens growing the beards to brave the cold and then brave the cold to see the beards, you catch my drift!!!
In these times of coldness and snow we all need a happy place to think of so let yours be that there is a winter beard out there somewhere waiting for you...