This is a man a man with a moustache, 'homme à la moustache'.
I have talked a lot about bearded men but the 'homme à la moustache' is just as important and sometimes more impressionable than a bearded man.....
Ah the, 'homme à la moustache' is a man a little more refined, a little bit more dignified and slightly more noticeable.
The, 'homme à la moustache' is man who is image conscience. He is aware that a moustache will set him apart from all the others, even the ones with beards. A moustache takes time, planning and dedication. Whereas a beard once thought about can be left to grow wild and free it is not the same for the moustache. The moustache brings with it the elegance of the 30's and 40's elegance that the beard can not.
A moustache makes the wearer to the viewer seem as though they have an aura of dignity the feeling that they are trust worthy and loyal.
The first time I ever clasped eyes on a moustache was in 'Seven brides for Seven Brothers' where Howard Keel within the first few minutes of the film transforms himself from a, 'scroungy back woodsman' into a trustworthy man a man who a women wants to marry. That through this subtle facial hair transformation he goes from a scally wag and man that is fit for nothing but living amongst the live stalk to one that is fit to be a husband and a provider!! Yes perhaps this view is a little dated and perhaps a little far fetched I hear you say but there is a little truth in it nonetheless!!!
The, "homme à la moustache' is a man a little different from the bearded man, while one exudes strength and manliness the other exudes dignity and loyalty....
So this is the question I put to you 'choose you this day who you shall serve....'
For me the jury is still out but one thing is clear facial hair tis necessary either way.