Wednesday, 21 October 2009

beard watching and tash spotting.

so this is my blog. I am writing this basically so that I have an opportunity to take photo's of men with great facial hair. Because in my day to day life I have come to realise that it is the little things in life that give us pleasure, right now that is boys with beards or tashes.

So I am inviting you to join me in a spot of, 'beard watching and tash spotting' as I record those who I meet on a day to day basis who brighten up my day!

So first victim up is my my lovely friend David. I got to spend a lovely evening with him going to watch Old Children. Not only was he sporting a very fine beard but as I glanced around the room it was full of trendie facial hair!!! So got me thinking how I would like to share these finds with my fellow beard and tash lovers. Think it is only fair to share the finds so we can all get enjoyment out of it!.

Right I will be aiming to post one story and one picture of my facial hair finds daily so you to can have a little sushine in your life. I think that there is a little bearded loving inside of all of us.


  1. She has beard syndrom from her mother . She made me grow one but then I was not allowed to kiss her. So we need to develope beard conditionor to give that smooth silky feeling to a beard . Its all look and no kissing . Ban the Beard

  2. I like beards, but a tash and a stubble on the right man makes me happy.
    Ferrero Rocher, the stubble and tashe lover.

  3. Beards make me sooooo happy <3

  4. louis, a beard never stopped me from kissing in fact only encouraged it more. Perhaps the problem was not hte beard at all!
