Well I may be hot on beards but technology I am not, so forgive me my stupidity and check out the link above to see the french connection advert about Man.
Finally someone other than me has seen the full potential that the impact beards can have. I am tres excitied to see and advert describing a man a real man. And why is he a man a real man well he is one because he has a beard of course. Plain and simple beard equals MAN! It is not a man that makes him a man but the beard that qualifies him to become one. Allowing him to cross over from boyhood into manhood. 'This is a man' a man with a 'beard'. Perhaps there are some other things in between but the jist of it is he is a man because he has a beard.
Would we have believed in his characteristic's had he not had a beard, NO of course not this advert was dependant on the man having a beard and was cleverly cast. Women want to to be with him and men just want to be him. The 'accessory' of the beard allows all parties viewing the advert to connect with it. Girls want their 'man' to be like him, want them to have his confidence and all because the beard makes them, allows them to see these qualities. This is becuase the beard tells us he has all these things. Men see him as a cool, care free, a real man who does what he wants says what he wants and is exactly who he wants to be. This is because the beard has been cleverly cast to be a little over grown and a little 'free sprited' something that all men want to be.
All in all I would say this advert is a huge bearded success. The sooner the other brands catch on the better it will be for all of us. Beard mania coming our way. Fingers crossed and here's hoping,'beards make the world go around the world go around'.
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