It seems the beard has gone global and the must have accessory for the MAN on the red carpet is nothing other than the beard we all heart so much!! This is like sweet music to my ears because as soon as it hits hollywood it means it is now socially acceptable and here to stay for a while at least! yeah GGGGOOOOOOOOOOOO BBBEEAARRDDSS!
So this means that beards will start to filter in to mainstream, as once a boy clocks a look at a beard on the likes of Clooney and the rest of these delightful beard wearing men, they too will have the desire to challenge the designer stubble they are now adorning crying inside, 'anything you can do I can do better. I can do anything better than you!'
Tis like a dream come true for us beard loving girls. It means with out pressure from us they will start the beard growth process all on their own, yeah!
now for those of you reading this who might still be in doubt about the effect of the beards I am going to share with you a little story about the power of the beard and the 'swooning' effect it has on the beard lovers.
Earlier this week I was going about my daily business in work when suddenly the most attractive bearded man came into my place of work. Now granted this man was not attractive through beard alone but the beard did indeed increase the power that he held over me. The power of this particular mans beard made me 'swoon' within. I had to bury myself in my work because so strong was the effect of the beard that upon glancing at him I could feel myself blushing inside and out. It would also make me smile and sort of giggle without being able to control myself. He was beardelicious!!!
The beard can make us beard loving females loose control. The beard can make us take a second glance were we might have at first glance not stopped and let an otherwise attractive man walk on by. The beard can make us smile when perhaps nothing else that day will. The beard can give us hope. The beard makes us once again believe in man. Dont ever under estimate the power of the beard. It has a power that cannot be explain. It just is.
So thank you LA LA Land for making the beard a red carpet 'must have item' for this season it makes us beard loving ladies very happy indeed. We are smiling outside and in.
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