Well my bearded lovers it is that time of year again, 'the most wonderful time of the year'. And there is only one bearded man that could possible grace this spot at this time of year. Do you know who it is? well here is a clue.
"He was dressed all in fur from his head to his foot.
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of toys he flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his sack.
His eyes how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, His nose like a cherry;
His droll little mouth was all drawn up like a bow,
And the beard on his chin was as white as snow.
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face, and a little round belly
That shook when he laughed like a bowl full of jelly.
He was chubby and plump,--a right old jolly elf--
And I laughed when I saw him in spite of myself."
Clement C Moore 1822.
Have you guessed it yet....?????
There could only be one man who could possible take the spot on this month. Yes that is Father Christmas, Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Papa Noel, Papai Noel, Babbo Natale.
He is the original beard trend setter, with his beard white as snow.
Today someone shared a story with me of how their daughter can tell the real Santa Claus from the 'pretend' ones. The real one has a real white beard and wears white gloves not red!
I don't think there is anyone at Christmas time who could say that they don't like beards, as that would be like saying they don't like Christmas!
As what would Christmas be with out our bearded ssanta who brings hope and joy to so many at this time of year.
His beard is that of kindness, care and love. His beard is of hope, joy and giving. His beard transports us back to a more simpler time a time when elves stole in to our rooms in the middle of the night deciding who had been, 'naughty and nice.' His beard is the very essence of our childhood. His beard offers us comfort and makes us feel safe. It tells us that all even if it is for one day only all will be right with the world, as what bad thing could happen at christmas with Father Christmas watching over us.
So this blog is for him. The oldest beard of them all, the one and only Santa Claus!!!
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