Monday, 2 May 2011


At last a bearded boy of my very own, hallelujah!! One of my very own, a beard that protects me, a beard that comforts me, a beard that makes me happy, a beard that is strong and true. And tis mine all mine. :-)

Oh how long I have searched for a beard of my very own and now I have one. And it is everything, and more , than I could ever have hoped for. He is my protector and my strength, just like the bearded men in stories of old. My bearded man makes me happier than a one who has been lost in the dessert and just found water. Happier than a shepherd who has just found his lost sheep. Happier than a, well you get the picture. I am more than happy with my bearded man.

Just like the bearded men in my blogs before, he is all that I expected my bearded man to be. He is a man. He is a leader. He is strong. Above all he is mine. I am glad that I have found this bearded man of mine.

I would not swap him for a moustache
I would not swap him for an exquisite tash
I would not swap him for a beardie rash
I would not swap him for a movemeber moustache
I will keep him , this bearded man of mine
For this is one beard that I do not wish to part.

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